Wednesday 29 May 2013


PicMonkey Collage

To watch 'The Valleys' but have absolutely no idea what they're all saying most of the time. Tamping? What?

To have a camera roll on your phone containing more photos of beauty products than it does of loved ones.

To keep playing one song on loop because you love it so much. Even if it does annoy everyone else in the house.

To wish you were witty enough to make nemes.

To consider Summer come and gone in the UK. Remember the May Bank Holiday? Distant memories...

To say 'yes' when someone asks if you've lost weight - it means you've finally mastered contouring.

To tell people you're a blogger - not what you actually do for a living.

To count watching a fitness DVD on the sofa as participating in it's actual aim.

To secretly think you were adopted. Your family are so weird.

To genuinely hate LOL Cats.


  1. These posts always make me chuckle. I have a soft spot for the valleys. However they are always tamping, fuming, raging haha xx

  2. Tell people you're a blogger, yes! My mum thinks it's so weird x

  3. hahaha I always love these posts, so true! x

  4. Haha "I am tamping, fuming, raging!" xx

  5. Hey Helen,

    I love love love these posts! They make me laugh every time! I especially love the one about watching fitness DVDs on the sofa, don't you find you get really exhausted watching people on TV play tennis etc.? Or is that just me!? Haha

    And embarrassingly, I can't let any of my friends look at my photos because they're all full of clothes, nails and eyes (for mascara testing obviously..) which they think is a bit weird. I also have more photos of the dog and cat and countryside than family and friends! Oops!

    ~Hannah xx


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